Road to the Soul

Welcome Home おかえりなさい

I'm Keiko, the guide to the soul.

When you are alive, you often experience various painful, sad and hurtful realities.

Why do I have to go through like this? Why do I have to have such a horrible experience ? Why can't I move on? I'm feeling stuck.Why doesn't anyone understand me?

Have you ever felt like you have lost and alone? But good news is that suffering is an important "time" that leads and awakens you to meet love and to your soul. Your soul has experienced many lives before it was born. Reborn again and again, so that you can grow as a human being and your soul evolves more. This time, you chose this "time" and decided to live as a human being again. You are born with the challenges that only you can overcome, also choosing this "time", and your gender and your family.It is to spread your own magnificent light to this mother Earth. To give out bestest highest love that you have.

Pain is the flip side of love. Suffering is the flip side of courage.
Your soul is screaming at you to overcome the suffering you are having. “Do you hear me? I am here, please listen to me”

All I can do is help you to heal your pain and guide you to notice the voice of your soul.Bur real power of healer is you. Your will is most important.

In order for us to survive these predicament times, it is crucial to heal and release the pain and suffering from this lifetime and inherit from the past lives,be aware of the voice of the soul,connect with the soul and Live with the greatest love. Only when we make mistakes and when we suffer, we grow and know even greater love. You are never alone. You have people who love and protect you. Many saints, ancestors, angels, spirit guides, and master guides, are always with you. Your soul knows this. May a lot of love bloom in your life.





About Reiki and Healing

Many way to heal your wounds and traumas that causeing your struggle and pains in your life. I invite you to Holistic Alternative healing.
Reiki has been around since the early 20th Century.Origine from Japan. Its universal energy from all around us. Energy we call " Ki 気" Chinese call "Chi " and india say "plana" north amarica call " life force energy or Universal energy " This energy is so gentle but profound. This healing energy can apply to new born baby to animals and plants and even objects.
Founder of Mr Usui was used this Reiki to treat many patients. Physical,mental,emotional issues.This energy feel warm and peaceful.Reiki is good for Stress reliefs, Relaxations, reduced and terminates addctions and badhabits. Boost and blanced immunsystems.

This healing is hands on treatment.

Also this REIKI 霊(REI - spirit)気(KI-energy) beliefs coming from SHINTO (Sshinto is One of main religion in Japan that aminism belief)




以下WIKIPEDIAからの抜粋。臼井 甕男(うすい みかお、1865年8月15日 - 1926年3月9日)は、現在レイキとして世界中に広まっている手当て療法を中心とした民間療法の一種「臼井靈氣療法」(臼井霊気療法)の創始者であり、「人生の目的とは何か」という大命題の探求から、の道に入り、真の悟りともいえる安心立命の境地を目指し修行するも、どうしても悟りを得られず、悩みぬいた末にの師に相談したところ、



断食に入り3週間目の真夜中ごろ、脳の中心部あたりに落雷をうけたような激烈な衝撃を感じ、そのまま意識不明の状態に陥る。 数時間後、ふと気がつくと夜が明け始めた頃で、心身爽快な気分に満ちて目覚め、その衝撃のときに感じたエネルギーが心身を貫き、体内との共鳴、一体感を達成し、求めていた悟りの境地を完成したことを知る。



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Spoken languages:
Japanese, English

Areas Covered

East Vancouver Near Commercial Dr